Silvia Sivo On 16-18 November 2023, AIVP in cooperation with the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority held its 2023 conference on the theme “Linking global and…
Christina Reimann Port cities traditionally appear to us as male spaces. Both scientific research and popular culture convey a picture of port cities marked by…
Maurice Jansen Ports and port cities play a pivotal role towards the sustainable development of coastal ecosystems. These ecosystems’ natural capital offer…
Paul van de Laar Port, maritime, and technological path dependencies have shaped priorities on future economic developments and scenarios for transitions (Carse…
Matthias Wantzen and see full list of coauthors below Overview of the Hidrovia and the Paraguay River The Hidrovia Paraguay-Paraná (HPP) is a project to improve…
Carola Hein, Maurice Harteveld, Paolo De Martino, John Hanna, Muamer Tabakovic, and Carlien Donkor At a time of changing water conditions - more rain, less rain…
Rick Bell On Thursday, 23 March 2023, the coalition of the United Nations of Rivers, Deltas & Estuaries organized an official side event for the 2023 UN Water…
Hilde Sennema On January 30th, 2023, a small basalt pillar was placed on Plein 1953, a square in one of the post-war neighborhoods of Rotterdam. The pillar is…
Stephan Hauser The explosion in the port of Beirut in 2020 showed that ports are clusters of risks, and that accidents in port areas can have disastrous effects…