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BG.490.OOST. Architecture TU Delft Mulder, I. Transdisciplinary spaces and worldmaking practices for alternative futures.
Increasingly, local coalitions of changemakers are demonstrating alternative ways to address complex societal challenges. I refer to these local experimental spaces as worldmaking practices for alternative futures. The co-creative and prefigurative setup to propose creative and transdisciplinary solutions allows them to think global and act local, connecting the micro experimentations at the local scale to the global (macro) challenges. Moreover, it allows for the embedment of anticipated futures in the present while connecting the lifeworld and the system world.
In my talk, I will elaborate upon such infrastructuring practices aiming to open the interdisciplinary dialogue with the PortCityFutures research context.
Image: An artist's illustration of artificial intelligence (AI). This image represents unsupervised learning, a method where an AI learns from its own experiences. It was created by Vincent Schwenk as part of the Visualising AI project launched by Google DeepMind.
This month two presentations will take place, also refer to the presentation given by Amin Maghsoudi: ''Investigating the effects of maritime transport developments on territorial landscape of Hormozgan, case study: Bandar-e Abbas''.
Every month at our PortCityFutures team meeting, one of our members or a guest hosts a short presentation about their current or past research. If you want to attend the presentations or present at one of our meetings yourself, please contact us: