Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft Design Lab Participatory City Making
A background in policy and organization sciences (MA, University of Tilburg) and behavior science (Ph.D., University of Twente) together with an early stage research career anticipating future technologies impacting society within the national Top Technology Institute on Telematics has reinforced her transdisciplinary research approach addressing complex societal challenges at a systemic level. Currently, as a director of the Delft Design Lab Participatory City Making, she promotes designerly ways of working in the public realm using small-scale design experiments in infrastructuring social change. Her on-going research, has been awarded by prestigious grants; Open4Citizens (Horizon2020), Participatory City Making (NWO) and DESIGNSCAPES (Horizon2020), which share their focus on design methodology in relation to digital, social or urban innovation.
Last publications
Mulder, I. (2020). Samen stadmaken. Participatie en co-creatie als sleutel voor een positieve stad. Tijdschrift voor Positieve Psychologie, 5(10), pp. 28-33. Themanummer: De positieve stad.
Mulder, I. & Marseille, J. (2020). Co-creating Sociable Smart City Futures (Chapter 19). In: Katherine Willis and Alessandro Aurigi (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities. Routledge. 1st edition, forthcoming April 16, 2020.
Shah, A., Goncalves, M. & Mulder, I. (in press). Design research for participatory policies: Paradoxes, Themes, Futures. In Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020- Participation(s) Otherwise - Vol. 2 (PDC ’20: Vol. 2), June 15–20, 2020, Manizales, Colombia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages.
van Selm, M. & Mulder, I. (2019). On transforming transition design: from promise to practice. in: Proc. of Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019, 2(1), 329–339.
Concilio, G., De Götzen, A., Molinari, F., Morelli, N., Mulder, I., Simeone, L., Tosoni, I. & Van Dam, K. (2019). Innovation and Design (Chapter 4). In: Concilio, G. & Tosconi, I. (eds.) INNOVATION CAPACITY AND THE CITY. The enabling role of design. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. Springer, Cham, pp. 61-83.