Assistant Professor of Urban Design and Analytics
Dr. Claudiu Forgaci (Assistant Professor of Urban Design and Analytics) has extensive experience in the research and practice of designing riverside urban spaces. In his research, teaching and practice, he combines urban design and planning, landscape architecture and architecture in a multi-scalar and social-ecological approach to urbanism. He develops methods and instruments for the spatial assessment, planning and design of resilient urban spaces. With his interest in design-driven research for social-ecological resilience in cities, he emphasises the proactive role of urban design in anticipating acute shocks and chronic stresses. He works with professionals and academics from several disciplines with the ambition of developing an effective transdisciplinary practice of urban resilience. In his research on urban riverspace design, he organised several international workshops involving participants from practice and academia.
Last publications
Forgaci, C. (2018). Integrated Urban River Corridors: Spatial Design for Social-Ecological Integration in Bucharest and Beyond [Delft University of Technology].
Forgaci, C. (2021). Why does Bucharest not have a port? [web log]. Retrieved April 25, 2022, from
Taraba, J., Forgaci, C., & Romein, A. (2021). Creativity-driven urban regeneration in the post-socialist context - The case of Csepel Works, Budapest. Journal of Urban Design.
Forgaci, C. (2020) Greener, Low-carbon Europe. In Gorghiu, R., Ivanov, I., Maier, A., Pîslaru, D. N., Stadler, R. L., Zăgan, L., Forgaci, C., Stead, D., Ghiță, A., Rus, C., Gensheimer, M., Ghintuială, D. L., Dragomir, A.-M., Gorghiu, S.-A., Pirvu, A.-E., Matei, R., Pop, S., Gauk, M., Hermansons, Z., … Iotzov, V. (2020). State of the European Territory: ESPON contribution to the debate on Cohesion Policy post 2020.
Forgaci, C. (2020). Smart and resilient cities: How can big data inform spatial design and planning for urban resilience? Contesti. Città, Territori, Progetti, 1, 62–71.