Saskia Tideman

Job title
Masters Student in Architecture

TU Delft, The Netherlands

Saskia Tideman is a Franco-Dutch student pursuing her MSc. with Honors in Architecture at the TU Delft in the Netherlands (2019-21). She obtained a First-Class Bachelor’s in Art from Manchester School of Architecture (2015-18) and gained practical experience as an architectural assistant in London, UK.

Her interest in informing architectural practice with research has led her to investigate heritage’s role in both facilitating and challenging social empathy and resilience. Under the supervision of Carola Hein, Saskia’s graduation project ‘From Shady Heritage Toward an Architecture of Frictional Empathy’ is based in Marseille, France’s biggest port-city.

Saskia Tideman PortCityFutures
Phone number
+31 (0) 651804054