Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Centre for Urban, Ports and Transport Economics.
At present Maurice is a senior researcher at Erasmus UPT. He is engaged in higher education and research on port strategy, port development and port innovation ecosystems. Maurice considers ports and port cities as breeding grounds for talent, innovation and entrepreneurship. From this perspective, he supports policy and initiatives that lead to a breakthrough of wicked problems in the port and port city ecosystem. With his PhD research he seeks answer to the question how ports and port cities can develop sustainably, thereby striking a balance between economic, social and cultural values.
Maurice Jansen, MSc. studied Business Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He was born, raised and educated with the port of Rotterdam in his backyard. Over almost two decades he dedicated his career on ports, transportation and logistics initially working as a supply chain solutions consultant. In 2006 he stepped on board of the shipping and transport college, where he worked on several education innovation projects.
Last publications
Jansen, M. A. B. (2021, July 27). Port-City Transition: Past and Emerging Socio-Spatial Imaginaries and Uses in Rotterdam’s Makers District | Article | Urban Planning. Retrieved September 21, 2022, from
Jansen, Maurice (2020) ‘Port innovation ecosystem, a symbiosis of capital’, a case study of Rotterdam (forthcoming)
Jansen, Maurice, Van Tulder, Rob, Afrianto, Rob (2018) ‘Exploring the conditions for inclusive port development: the case of Indonesia’, in Maritime Policy & Management, p. 924-943
Jansen, Maurice (2019) ‘Mapping the port innovation ecosystem’ in SWZ Maritime.
Jansen, Maurice (2019) ‘The digital port is coming’ in SWZ Maritime.