Centre méditerranéen, de sociologie, de sciences politiques et d’histoire / Aix-Marseille Université
After an interdisciplinary PhD thesis in Social Sciences (socio-historical anthropology at EHESS, cultural anthropology at University of Genoa) about the governance of the European Capital of Culture in Genoa (2004) and Marseille-Provence (2013), I went on studying the impact of events on cultural policies and practices at the territorial scale as a post-doc researcher in Italy and France. I focused my research on Mediterranean port cities and on processes of heritagization of the maritime character of the territories. I was one of the founders of Laboratorio di studi urbani Incontri in città - UniGE and of cultural project Zones Portuaires. I have been in charge of studies for the European Commission, for the Italian and French Ministries of Culture and I collaborate with several museums, festivals and cultural institutions.
Last publications:
2022 « Gênes, ville portuaire ou entre deux mondes. Constructions identitaires et conflits symboliques à l’époque contemporaine », in Catherine Haman (ed) Les Cahiers du Littoral, dossier Ville portuaire, un espace-frontière. Regards croisés de l’histoire et de la littérature.
2021 with Maria Pina Usai, A Creative Approach to the Port-City Relationship: The Case of Zones Portuaires in Genoa, in Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Paul van de Laar (eds) Port City Cultures, Values or Maritime Mindsets, Part 2: Studying and Shaping Cultures in Port City Territories. European Journal on Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, 4-2 : 130-151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2612-0496/v4-n2-2021
2020 with Maria Pina Usai, Zones Portuaires: un dispositivo di ricerca-azione sul Porto di Genova, in Laura Saija & Katherine Lambert-Pennington (eds) Tracce Urbane, Italian Journal of Urban Study, 4-8, dossier « To do and know something together: overcoming the challenges of action-research in making better urban worlds ». DOI:https://doi.org/10.13133/2532-6562_4.8.17052.
2020 Une anthropologie de la politique des Capitales Européennes de la Culture vue des « marges ». Ethnographie comparée des cas de GeNova04, Marseille-Provence 2013 et Matera-Basilicata 2019, in Monica Heintz & André Burguière (eds) Ethnologie Française, 179, dossier thématique « Europe 27 : Ethnographies de la citoyenneté européenne », p. 529-544. DOI : 10.3917/ethn.203.0529
2020 Capitali europee della cultura nel Mediterraneo: viaggio nelle città di mezzo. Una prospettiva antropologica sulle trasformazioni urbane, da Genova e Marsiglia in poi. Turin, L’Harmattan Italia, coll. Logiche sociali, 192 p.