Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Fernando Puntigliano is Professor for Logistics and Supply Chain at the School of Business of the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. He is also Director of CPR Ludwig, a project, engineering, logistics, environmental and finances consultant firm. He was recently State Environmental Minister of Montevideo and between 2005 and 2009 President of the Uruguayan Ports. Puntigliano was CEO of port operations firms in Uruguay, mining companies in Brazil and Uruguay, Head of Operating Facilities in aerospace business in Germany and Project Manager at various research institutes in Germany and Uruguay. In 2003 he was awarded with the National German Prize of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Curt Bartsch. Puntigliano was also interim President of the Uruguayan Railway Administration and Member of the Board of the Central Bank of Uruguay. He got the degrees of Dr.-Ing. at the TUHH, Germany, Dipl.-Ing. at the Universität Hamburg, Ing.Nav. and BSc at the Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
Last publications
Puntigliano, F., 2020, Evaluación de los estudios realizados sobre el potencial de la Hidrovía Paraguay Paraná para la carga boliviana, análisis de sistemas portuarios y recomendaciones para un plan de acción de mediano y largo plazo, Fonplata, pp.79
Puntigliano F.; 2015; Experimental Research and DEM Applications on the Interaction Between Ice Floes and Ship Hulls During Icebreaking; XXIV COPINAVAL, ISBN 978-9974-91-047-8, pp. 32-52, October, Montevideo, Uruguay
Hodara I., Opertti J., and Puntigliano F.; 2009; Logística Aplicada a los Procesos Productivos de Exportadores Uruguayos; Jornadas Académicas 2008 2009 UEU, Universidad ORT; Montevideo, Uruguay
Puntigliano F., Opertti, J., and Hodara I.; 2008; Visualización del Uruguay como Centro Logístico Regional. Proyecciones, Infraestructura, Sistemas Multimodales y Comunicaciones; Unión de Exportadores – Universidad ORT; Montevideo, Uruguay
Hodara I., Opertti J. and Puntigliano F.; 2007; Visualización del Uruguay como Centro Logístico Regional, Jornadas Académicas UEU ORT, pp. 67-94; Montevideo, Uruguay